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71.621 Cold War & Modern Russian Green Patterns (8) - Vallejo Model Air Set

Acrylicos VallejoSKU: 71.621

Sale priceR 559.99
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Cold War & Modern Russian Green Patterns

Set of 8 Model Air colors, containing a selection of colors for painting the camouflage patterns on contemporary soviet combat vehicles, using as reference the official colors of the URSS. The set includes camouflage patterns used up to date on AFV vehicles. The camouflage schemes were very elaborate, some with hard edges and others with diffuse borders, and were applied with a spray gun. The patterns included on occasion up to four colors in order to effectively break the silhouette of the vehicle in city-scapes as well as in wooded areas. A variety of green colors were used as base color.

71.009 Eau de Nil “D. E. Green”
71.106 Ivory RLM05
71.137 US Light Green
71.045 Cement Grey
71.014 Gunship Green
71.012 Dark Green
71.018 Black Green
70.057 Black

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