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71.614 WWII British Colors UK/BEF/Europe 1939 - 1945 (8) - Vallejo Model Air Set

Acrylicos VallejoSKU: 71.614

Sale priceR 559.99
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WWII British Colors UK/BEF/Europe 1939 - 1945 (8)

Set of 8 model Air colors which include all the references needed to paint any type of British army vehicles, used between 1939 and 1945, beginning with the forces stationed in British territory, the Expeditionary forces in France and the forces in Italy and on the European front. The references of the colors used by the British armed forces on light vehicles or tanks were ruled by very strict regulations and in accordance with the date and specific operation, however exact historical colors, such as those employed by Tarmac, were not available for reproduction even though already in 1931, a color chart with these colors was available. For the colors of this set we have been assisted by the expert Mike Starmer, whose work is well known by modelers and historians.

71.005 Grey Blue
71.038 Camouflage Medium Brown
71.039 Hull Red
71.284 UK Light Mud
71.316 N. 41 Dark Olive Drab
71.324 BS Dark Green
71.330 Khaki Green Num. 3
70.607 UK Bronze Green

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