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16.704 - Acrylic Artist Color - Copper - 60 ml

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Acrylicos VallejoSKU: 16.704

Sale priceR 155.99 Regular priceR 183.99
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Acrylic Artist Color

Vallejo Acrylic Artist Color is manufactured with the best available pigments for artists in a color range of maximum stability and highest degree of light fastness. The pigments, organic and inorganic – such as cadmium, cobalt, quinacridones and pyrroles – are dispersed in a 100% acrylic polymer emulsion.

The colors do not contain additives (neither fillers nor matting agents), and dry to a  brilliant, satin, or matt finish depending on the pigment. Acrylic Artist Color has a thick and creamy consistency, (so called “heavy-body”) and maintains the textures and volumes created with brush or spatula; they dry with a minimal alteration of color (no “color shift”) during transition from humid to dry, leaving a film of excellent adhesion, flexibility and resistance.

All colors are water-resistant, non-yellowing, and UV resistant and conform to the European Security Regulations and Environmental Standards of the REACH Protocol and to the U.S.A. certification ASTM D-4236 (No Health Label Required).

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